GAY BRAZIL – Where The Boys Are Hot & Friendly
Rio de Janeiro, the Marvelous City, is a destination that has always excited the
imagination of the gay and lesbian traveler. Falling in love with the city and the people is very easy.
Cosmopolitan Cariocas are friendly with gays, lesbians and trans-people, making you feel welcome almost everywhere. Language should not be a barrier. Most people you actually have to deal with understand basic
English or Spanish. Others will try hard. And body language is universally understood, of course.
The beach is the perfect setting to make new friends, and find out what is going on. Go to Farme Gay in
Ipanema, a little to the east of cross-street Farme de Amoedo. This spot attracts local TV stars, gays and
lesbians, international celebrities but, most of all, this is Barbie land. Before you ask, Barbie is a term used
by locals to describe muscular and well-off gay men who live on the South Side. Don’t miss the gay dodge-ball
and volleyball matches on Sundays. You will find more ideas of things to do and see at Rio Gay by Day./images/39531-36457/171318760_49ec51c0d3_m.jpeg”>
we’ve been doing since 1996!” – Two bits of advice someone told me. NEVER accepta drink from stranger
there. It is said, that the rage in Rio, is slipping Mickys to tourists and ripping them off. Also, do not take a stranger back to your room. The same rip-off factor applies. And it said, many locals will exchange sex for tennis shoes!
Go figure!
The São Paulo Gay Parade is, if not the biggest, one of the biggest events of its kind in the world. In 2005, more
than 2,000,000 people attended the Parade (read BBC and News24).
It is also one of the major tourist events in São Paulo; the event has official support from the city government of
São Paulo. The Parade happens yearly, usually in June; it is the beggining of Brazilian winter, when temperatures
are lower, but rains are rare.
Every year an ever increasing number of gay guys head down to Rio in search of an exciting and ‘hot’ gay holiday destination. They are going to the right place. In the recent years Rio has become an excellent choice for the gay traveller. As the weather is hot all year round, the beaches are all loaded with eye candy all day long.carnaval which enlivens the city for 3 solid days with music, singing, parties, and balls!
This is one town where anyone can wear a Speedo and not turn a head! Even straight men! With its world famous beaches free to all (such as Copacabana and Ipanema), its splendid bay, one of the loveliest in the world, and its wonderful climate, a blend of summer and springtime, Rio de Janeiro is a city that lives in and for the sun.