Queer As Folk made it so popular. Next to San Francisco,
Toronto has the largest gay population in North America. (I still don’t think San Francisco is all
that gay….). Toronto Pride is HUGE! Pride Week in Toronto is one of the largest Prides in the world, and one of the three largest Prides in North America. It draws about 1 million people! And it’s an amaziningly
welcoming city. The straight people embrace the gays like nowhere else I have ever seen! Pride
Week is the fun and fabulous arts and culture festival.
Toronto’s gay village, the Church and Wellesley neighborhood, is alive with a diverse G.L.B.T. communtiy. It has an array of dance clubs, cafés, restaurants, community centres, and many
other gay-owned businesses catering to the gay community and tourists. Toronto’s west end,
known as Queer West Village has become a second hub for the community as well.
Canada has become the third country to grant equal marriage rights to same-sex couples, so couples
are flocking to Toronto to say “I do!” Everything you could possibly need for your perfect wedding is available
in Toronto. Toronto is a world-class city with a wonderful diversity, openness, and vibrancy. There are plenty
of things to do here, and Torontopronto has many useful tips and links to make your visit to Canada’s gay
mecca a memorable one./images/39531-36457/cost1.jpeg”>
The notoriously safe, clean, and—sorry about this, guys—somewhat dated, dull-looking city is in
the midst of a major architectural renaissance. On the heels of Norman Foster’s just-opened addition to the University of Toronto (the Leslie L. Dan Pharmacy Building, which includes a
four-story atrium that holds two floating egged-shaped “pods” that double as lecture halls), Daniel Libeskind is readying his annex to the Royal Ontario Museum (rendered above), a jutting, geometrically postmodern structure perched atop the original building’s Victorian facade. And it wouldn’t be a bona fide architectural revival without the work of ubiquitous native son Frank Gehry, who’s currently administering a face-lift to the Art Gallery of Ontario, set for completion in mid-2008 (expect lots of glass).
Or, if an eye patch is more your speed than the Serious Eyewear favored by your average
big-shot architect, keep an eye out for Circa, a new four-story, 53,000-square-foot megaclub
from New York nightlife exile Peter Gatien, of Limelight and Palladium fame.
Though it may not have a starchitect designer, it does have a “sauna bar.” –