Rob Sager – Brett Mycles Follow-up
As Robert has been in the ground for a bit now (Toledo Memorial Park) it’s time clean up any doubts on what really happened in Chicago. Roberts rapid rise to the top of his game came with HARD WORK and a little help from his friends…He loved to work out and also to help others achieve their goals in Bodybuilding as well as the alternative Lifestyle .
His friends also included steroids however and this was the ultimate cause of his demise (not a bumbled prescription). Sorry Lori, but the truth MUST BE TOLD! His trip to Chicago was to MULE steroids back to Vegas and California, and upon testing them in his Motel room, his heart exploded.(Hey Chicago PD that’s what the $6,000.00 was for) I couldn’t figure out why he was getting so many air miles and sending them to my wife and stepdaughter for just training (lots of hauling).
Yes it’s true, I’m his stepfather (he was raised by his Dad) I’m married to Cynthia Deters (formerly Sager) My lovely Wife for 14 years now….The whole reason I’m telling this story is a warning to all Who Work Out, A rapid rise to the top is just like a shooting star…You will burn brightly but BURN OUT WAY TO SOON and leave nothing but devastation in the lives of those who TRULY LOVED YOU! My Wife is inconsolable and has turned to drugs herself to lessen the pain and speed her demise so she can join him again wherever….Damn You Bob..Damn You for taking Yourself away and DAMN YOU FOR TAKING MY WIFE WITH YOU!!!
Marvin Ellis tuzzyjr @