Bristol-Myers Squibb in collaboration with the National AIDS Fund are proud to present the 4th Annual Light to Unite public awareness campaign. This year, Bristol Myers-Squibb will make a $250,000 donation to the National AIDS Fund, a non-profit organization that uses an expanding network of Community Partnerships, which support approximately 400 AIDS Service Organizations around the country. In addition, the Community Partnerships raise $2 locally for every $1 you donate nationally. That’s a 200% return on your investment to
stop the spread of HIV/AIDS in the U.S.
Find out what you can do at Light To Unite where lighting a candle is just the beginning.
Every day communities hardest hit by the HIV/AIDS epidemic struggle to raise funds to treat and care for people living with the disease and provide the necessary education on how to prevent HIV/AIDS today. Visit Light To Unite to learn how you can make a difference in the effort against HIV/AIDS in the U.S.
world aids day Bristol Myers Squibb National AIDS fund Turbo Tagger1. Tell a friend about Light To Unite
2. Educating yourself and others about HIV/AIDS with the facts
3. Reading stories, viewing photos, or sharing your own story
4. Making your own donation to the National AIDS Fund
5. Staying connected with a community of people who care about this issue