Project Runway Shocker! Steven Rosengard Booted and Jack Mackenroth Leaves The Show


(gbf= gay best friend   ots=off the show!)

We were hanging out with our GBF, Steven Rosengard, last night at  local Chicago watering hole CREW, watching Project Runway as it aired live. He had given no clue he was to get the boot! Steven is really  a talented designer and was given a very tough tough challenge. What can you do with poly-satin and lace? We were disappointed to see him leave the show, but know he has a great future ahead of him!

OUTZONE asked Steven, “Does being on the show, get you laid more?” – To which he said,
You know, in a perfect world, it would. I have never had so little sex as the
last four weeks. It’s just crazy. … It feels like I get to eight parties every
seven days. And it’s just nuts. And maybe part of it is just me going, “Oh I
gotta keep a low profile.” Because God only knows what the tabloids are ever
going to pick up if they ever care what anyone’s doing in Chicago (which I
highly doubt). Can you imagine? “It’s cold there and some guy’s screwing his way
through the Northside!”

Taking his inspiration from the greats of Hollywood’s Golden Age — Katherine
Hepburn, Rita Hayworth, Doris Day and Lauren Bacall — Steven brings a
simple, yet elegant, perspective to women’s day wear. Steven currently has a dress available at GAGAS,  and a  t-shirt at the Bravo Store .

And Jack Mackenroth – what a shocker that was! Jack’s doctor had advised him to leave the show and seek immediate treatment for the super-strong staph infection he came down with. The Seattle-born contestant actually wound up in a hospital for
several days for treatment with strong antibiotics. Reached by phone last night, Mackenroth emphasized that the infection was not
related to his HIV. Moreover, he says he’s fine now.

“I would like to reiterate that that was taped months ago and I was in the
hospital for a few days, but I made a complete recovery,” he said. “Any one can
get [ MRSA]. It’s not an HIV- related thing. It’s serious, so I took it seriously.”  –  Now, he says, “My health is great.”

On a side note, Jack has been dating Chicago’s Dale Levitskiof Top Chef fame. Great clothes and great food in that house! Plus they are both hotties! “It’s very baby steps. I really like him a lot. And geography is a bit of an
issue, but we’ll see where it goes. I like him a lot. I assume he likes me a
lot. Unless he’s lying…(laughter)… He’s adorable. I like keeping it incestuous,
keep it in the Bravo family.”

Dale says, “Yeah, we randomly met over Myspace. And then we bumped into each other at the OUT100 party and clicked. He’s hilarious. We’re just gonna roll with it and see what happens. And he’s cute as %&#@. We have the same sense of humor.”

Steven Rosengard
Dale Levitski
Jack Mackenroth
project runway
top chef
Turbo Tagger
