Gay Comedian does US of ANT – LOGO TV and ANT Tackle Small Town Gay Living


It scared gay comedian ANT too! However, some interesting things were discovered along his journey.

U.S. of ANT follows the often outrageous and always comical writer/comedian as he travels across America in search of gay life.

From East to West and all points in between, ANT captures the diversity of the LGBT community and the personal stories of small town gay America through the eyes of both the gay and straight residents. His journey across the country reaffirms that spirit and humor are alive and well in the gay heartland.

It wasn’t easy but he found a few gay people in Montana, and a few more in Mississippi. Then he went to North Carolina  and he found some gay couples raising kids. Alabama, Texas, and the not-so-popular gay spots of Florida, ANT crawls through them all!

I was born a little city town boy and was 18 I ran the hell away and never looked back. I am big city guy. I love lots of options and freedom of choices in a big city. But hey, everyone likes something different. Some want the quiet gay life. To each his own.

ANT did  7 episodes for LOGO tv  and you can rent the DVD online today!

ant us of ant gay travel small town gay bar gay cities Turbo Tagger
