Barry Diller – Gay Travel Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous


The saying “the rich get richer and poor get poorer” is so true these days. I have countless friends being forced to accept  jobs at $10 an hour, because that’s all they can find. Here in Chicago it is next to impossible to find jobs in the $40,000-$60,000  a  year range. Meanwhile,  company execs continue to rake in $MILLIONS  PER YEAR  with lavish expense accounts.  How special are they? Are they  THAT talented??

 Take Barry Diller, for example. Closet case IAC  top man, who just recently steeped down as CEO, and is known for his lavish spending habits, usually at his companys expense.

Private jets, private yachts, island hopping and more , and as GAWKER stated , “All in good fun, it would seem. “But given IAC’s lackluster stock performance, shareholders must be wondering whether they should subsidizing Diller’s holiday temptations. Employees certainly are; wrote one, cheekily, “Barry loves to spend time with his boys. Let’s face it, that costs money and IAC employees must understand these sacrifices.” – REALLY?!

So Friday, came  sort of surprising news – that Barry Diller is stepping down as CEO  of  the company.

“I never thought I was a very good manager,” Barry Diller told Fortune yesterday, explaining why he stepped down as CEO of IAC, his internet business conglomerate. “I mean I am decent, but I want to go back to what I am good at, which is looking for opportunities to grow the business.”

Still, you have to wonder why, if Diller is such a mediocre manager, he deserved to be the second-most-richly-compensated CEO in America over the past decade.

As GAWKER points out , “It’s clear that resentment over Diller’s management style has been brewing at IAC for some time. And his private life has come under an uncomfortable spotlight around here for some time, as well. Still, this is rather sudden.”

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