Gay Travel Guide ad Gets Yanked from LinkedIn

Canada’s  XTRA  reports, “The professional networking site LinkedIn has pulled an ad for a gay travel guide, claiming it contains “inappropriate content or language.”

“It’s baffling,” says Robert Christofle at Open Mic Press/Icon Empire Press.

Google Ad and Facebook haven’t objected to the ad, Christofle notes. “Out of the three different advertising sites, only LinkedIn has a target gay networking site, and they are the only ones to pull the ad.”

Christofle says he’s been promoting The Gay Travel Guide For Tops and Bottoms on a variety of sites, many of them straight, without incident. But LinkedIn, which has networks ostensibly catering to gay professionals, censored the ad.

Though the book cover contains no overt sexual imagery, the letter A in its title could subtly suggest two people having sex doggy style. “It’s very tongue in cheek,” says Christofle.

LinkedIn says it pulled the ad due to its sexual content.

Read the full article  on  XTRA

BUY THE BOOK!  The Gay Travel Guide For Tops And Bottoms
