San Francisco Calendar of Gay Events and Happenings was created with the intention to give users the most up-to-date information on gay parties and events nearest to them, at a quick glance.
The first city launched is SAN FRANCISCO.
With, you can always have gay nightlife at the tips of
your fingers as long as you have an internet connection. “With a simple
time+distance formula,, we’ll show you the events that are happening
nearby and now, but you have the ability to filter events that resonate
with you.
Our goal is to capture every piece of gay nightlife for you, so that
anyone can find the events or parties that are best-suited for them.“
Stuart Leung is the creator of the site. “A friend was coming into town and he wanted to go out on a
Wednesday night. I knew of a couple gayparties that were happening in the city, but drew a blank to
whether any other parties were occurring. I found it frustrating that I had been in San Francisco 7 years and still didn’t know what was going on. And it wasn’t just me, a lot of friends who were connected, didn’t always know what was going on.
I wanted a resource that gathered all gay events in one place instead of me going to 10+ sites to figure out which was the best option. That’s how wsup now was born.“
Just four months old, the site already provide a comprehensive view of all te LGBT and related events from around San Francisco – all in one quick and easy to scan view. Stuart says, “San Francisco has plenty of events to keep me busy (haha). However, once we learn how to efficiently scale, we do plan on expanding to other major metros.”
Check out!