Gay Day Disneyland in Anaheim is Oct 5-7, 2012
Recognized as one of the leading business destinations in the United
States, you’ll find yourself “Walking on Sunshine” in Anaheim and Orange
County. It is home to the 1.6 million square-foot Anaheim Convention
Center, world class dining for every appetite, championship sports, and a
variety of nightlife and entertainment.
States, you’ll find yourself “Walking on Sunshine” in Anaheim and Orange
County. It is home to the 1.6 million square-foot Anaheim Convention
Center, world class dining for every appetite, championship sports, and a
variety of nightlife and entertainment.
And in just a few weeks, GAY DAYS at DISNEYLAND will happen!
Years ago, Disneyland
used to have a private party one night of the year for gays and lesbians.
When the event was canceled in 1998, we created Gay Day Anaheim. We based the happening on our big sister event in Orlando, Gay
Day, which attracts
over 100,000 gays and lesbians from around the world each June.
used to have a private party one night of the year for gays and lesbians.
When the event was canceled in 1998, we created Gay Day Anaheim. We based the happening on our big sister event in Orlando, Gay
Day, which attracts
over 100,000 gays and lesbians from around the world each June.
Like the Orlando event, Gay Days Anaheim is a “mix in,” meaning gay people
and straight people mingle together; the park is open to the general public.
Also like Orlando’s Gay Day, we wear RED shirts to identify one another
and show our numbers.
The first Gay Days Anaheim in 1998 attracted about 2,500 people.
Today the event attracts over 30,000 guests to the Disneyland Resort
each year! Pretty amazing. What was once a small one-day gathering has
become a full weekend event with parties, gatherings, group photos,
scavenger hunts, private meals, and much more!
FIND OUT MORE NOW and search for deals!