Best and Worst Gay Travel Destinations

Sweden is the BEST, Iran’s is the WORST and the US is somewhere in the middle. 

 That’s the scoop  from the 2012 Spartacus International Gay Guide, the go-to guidebook for gay travel.

Spartacus International Gay Guide 2013/2014: 42nd Edition (Spartacus Travel Guide)

Yes, some people still use books instead of the internet. 
And my good friend Davey Wavey is on the cover!

Sweden scored top marks for its anti-discrimination laws, recognition
of gay unions, positive travel marketing and no institutional
persecution of the LGBT community. The remaining top nine countries were
all in Europe except Canada, which came in at number four.

The United States ranked 38 — thanks to anti-gay laws, a lack of
marriage equality and unfriendly areas of the country.

It was tied with
Aruba, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Croatia, Curacao, Hungary, Italy, Mexico and

Way at the bottom were, predictably, countries hostile to gays like Jamaica and the Bahamas and those with the death penalty for homosexuality, including the United Arab Emirates(Dubai)  and Iran.

Gay men have different travel wishes. The best confirmation of this is
the unique success story of the SPARTACUS INTERNATIONAL GAY GUIDE, which
has been published for more than four decades now. This edition of the
SPARTACUS International Gay Guide features approximately 22,000
addresses on around 1,300 pages which are of interest for gay men.

Whether these addresses are hotels in Kenya, bars in Hong Kong or discos
in Buenos Aires – no other guide offers such extensive information
about places in which gay men can feel welcome and can be themselves.

refined code system, created as abbreviations and pictograms, offers
information about that which one can expect and where. In addition each
country is introduced with a short, informative text, which describes
the legal and social position of homosexuals.

In order to guarantee the
actuality of the data, the SPARTACUS editorial team undertakes
extensive research throughout the year, with the result that the
information in SPARTACUS is usually even more up date and reliable than
those in Internet.

Regardless where one is going – with the SPARTACUS
INTERNATIONAL GAY GUIDE one is always up to date. And for those who find
the guide still is not compact enough: the complete guide is available
as application for your iPhone.

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