New Customs Rule Would Affect Gay LGBT Couples

A proposed federal rule change would expand the definition of “family”
and allow non-married couples and others who live in one household and
are traveling abroad together to reenter the United States with a single
U.S. Customs declaration.

This would mean a gay couple could go through together, as a “family”.

Nowhere does the proposed rule change mention gay or lesbian partners.
The wording specifies “two adult individuals in a committed relationship
wherein the partners share financial assets and obligations,” not
including “roommates or other cohabitants.”

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Customs estimates an annual savings of 72,600 “burden hours” under
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The government believes the change
would effect more than a million travelers a year or four minutes per

At present, gay couples traveling together must each go through Customs separately.

Read more at Steve Rothaus / Miami Herald.

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