Category Archives: Holidays
GAY HALLOWEEN – Who Do You Want To Be?
According to ABOUT , “Halloween is a festive time for all, especially gay and bi men. It’s an opportunity for us to let loose and fulfill the fantasies we’ve had all year long. A growing number of people positively believe that one should act out their fantasies any time of year, but for those not quite comfortable, Halloween gives them permission to be anything they want to be free of criticism or ridicule. So dust off that super hero costume you’ve been hiding or that kinky mask you bought on sale at the sex shop and enjoy the festivities!” – Every big city has gay Halloween parties. Some of the biggest include New Orleans, New York City and West Hollywood./images/39531-36457/175568256_796a929bfa_m.jpeg”>
7. Cowboy
Another “will see” on this fun-filled day. You never outgrow the dream of being free and wild on a cattle ranch. Some kids dream of getting the pony for the holidays, others dream of getting the cowboy!
8. Madonna
Well, I guess if the real Madonna can’t sing sweet nothings in my ear then an impersonator will do. The ultimate diva has inspired many to be free and express themselves. Be this sexy superstar and get a free pass to an endless night of fun.
9. UPS (United Parcel Service) Delivery Man
Oh the joy when you have to send or receive a package and this hunk of man shows up at your door (no need to be specific, they’re all hot). Only these boys can make a brown outfit look fantastic any time of year. Be your local delivery boy and get the shipping addresses of all the cuties at the party.
10. Vampire
“I want to suck your…” Blood! Blood! This is a family site, remember! The vampire with it’s many variations is always a great choice for a festive and gay Halloween. You can be anything from Brad Pitt in “Interview with the Vampire” to Aaliyah in “Queen of the Damned.”/images/39531-36457/220621393_ec65b8fb4e_m.jpeg”>